Virginia ASCE Geotechnical Meetings
In August 2009, Roger Failmezger attended a planning meeting in Denver sponsored by the Geo-Institute of ASCE. The purpose of the meeting was to encourage geotechnical groups like ours to join the Geo-Institute. At our October 2009 dinner meeting, we decided to join. We prepared By-Laws and received an endorsement from the Virginia Section of ASCE. In February, the Geo-Institute approved us as a chapter.
Each year we organize three to four professional dinner meetings. Our speakers are leaders in geotechnical engineering and share their technical knowledge with us. The meetings are held in nice restaurants, whose food is on par with the quality of the speakers. Typically 25 to 50 engineers attend the meetings. If you wish to be on announcement list, please email Shown below are the announcements and presentations from previous meetings.