Second International Conference on the Flat Dilatometer
In 1983, a small group of engineers convened in Edmonton, Canada to present their findings at the “First International Conference on the Flat Dilatometer.” In April 2006, over two decades later, we met again to share experiences and new developments in the use, implementation, and application of the DMT to geotechnical engineering. The resulting book, CD and DVDs are organized by the conference themes:
- Case studies of projects using dilatometer tests,
- Correlations and comparisons with other lab or insitu tests,
- New testing developments (seismic and other instrumentation),
- Theoretical and numerical evaluations of the DMT, and
- Applications in difficult geomaterials.
Authors from all over the world submitted 49 well-researched technical papers. The following technical committee members provided careful and thorough review of the papers. Their efforts improved the quality of the papers. (2006)
J. Anderson, USA | P. Lambe, USA |
J. Benoit, USA | J. Logar, Slovenia |
P. Bullock, USA | D. Marchetti, Italy |
R. Coutinho, Brazil | S. Marchetti, Italy |
D. Crapps USA | P. Mayne, USA |
N. Cruz, Portugal | Z. Mlynarek, Poland |
M. Devincenzi, Spain | P. Monaco, Italy |
M. Fahey, Australia | A. Penna, Brazil |
R. Failmezger, USA | J. Powell, UK |
A. Viana da Fonseca, Portugal | J. Reese, USA |
H. Giacheti, Brazil | G. Sallfors, Sweden |
R. Gupta, USA | J. Schmertmann, USA |
S. Hossain, USA | F. Schnaid, Brazil |
A. Huang, Taiwan | W. Steiner, Switzerland |
W. Van Impe, Belgium | S. Wissa, Egypt |
M. Jamiolkowski, Italy |
An electronic copy of these proceedings is on the “INSITU EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE USB.”