Professional engineers performing high-quality tests for professional engineers performing high-quality geotechnical engineering design

Letters Of Endorsement

John Schmertmann

John Schmertmann

Silvano Marchetti, Ph. D.

Dick Handy, Ph. D.

Jean Louis Briaud

Jean-Louis Briaud, Ph. D.

Jerry DiMaggio

Jerry DiMaggio   

Diego Marchetti

Diego Marchetti

Dave Crapps

Dave Crapps

Dr. Brian Anderson

Dr. Brian Anderson

Allan McConnell

Allan McConnell

Dave Kozera

Dave Kozera

Joe Waxse

Joe Waxse

Seafloor Direct Push System

Our seafloor direct push system is placed on the mudline of a river and enables us to perform either cone penetrometer or dilatometer with true interval seismic tests, satisfying ASTM standards for a constant push rate of 2 centimeters/second.
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Portable Direct Push System

Our portable direct push system that can move through a 32-inch wide door opening and bolt to the concrete slab with Hilti anchors next to the structure’s footings.
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Cone Penetrometer Test

Data from CPT soundings accurately predict vertical pile capacities, as they model cylindrical piles.  The CPT probe quasi-statically penetrates the soil at a constant 2 cm/sec rate measuring the tip, side friction and pore pressure using calibrated strain gauges and transducers. 
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Soil Pressuremeter Test

Data from pressuremeter tests accurately predict vertical and lateral capacities for piles and settlement of shallow foundations based on the large data base of load tests and pressuremeter tests that the French Department of Public Works (LCPC) has collected.
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Rock Pressuremeter Test

Rock pressuremeter tests can be used for lateral load and deformation analyses of drilled shafts. We use a rock pressuremeter that applies up to 300 bars of pressure.
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Soil Borehole Shear Test

The BST , developed by Dr. R. L. Handy at Iowa State University, provides a convenient method to accurately measure the drained shear strength of soils in-situ.
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Rock Borehole Shear Test

Dr. Handy developed a rock borehole shear test (RBST) device to measure the shear strength properties of rock.
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Ko Step Blade Test

Dr. Handy invented this test to measure the horizontal coefficient of horizontal earth pressure at rest.  From thin to thick steps from its bottom to top of the blade, the four round membranes expand laterally measuring the horizontal earth pressure.
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Vane Shear Test

The vane shear test accurately determines the undrained shear strength of purely cohesive soils by rotating a small vane having four blades around its vertical axis to fail a cylinder of soil in torsional shear.
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SPT Torque

K0 Step Blade (KSB): While engineers can estimate the vertical stress of soil relatively accurately, they cannot estimate the horizontal stress. The coefficient of horizontal stress, K, ranges from 0.2 to 6 times the vertical stress (Schmertmann, 1985).
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